From small organizations with duct tape and bubble gum defenses to larger enterprises armed with fortress-like custom solutions, improved security posture comes from both ends of the organizational spectrum but ultimately lies somewhere in between. Let’s look at each and how the industry has matured to the point where both types of companies can benefit. …
Category: Uncategorized

Navigating the Past: A Honest Reflection Of 2023
This post is more of a retrospective for me and my thoughts this last year. As I look ahead to the new year and the goals I want to achieve this upcoming year, I first want to look back at the previous year. This last year, I didn’t have any defined goals. I wanted to…

Working In The Security Field With Learning Disabilities
It was my junior year of high school and I had no plans on what I wanted to do after school, either for work or college. One day I had a meeting with the school counselor, some teachers, and my mom to figure it out. I don’t recall much from the meeting but the counselor…

It’s Not The Tools That You Should Have Faith In.
Above is a great tweet by @varcharr asking a very simple question, but engaging quite a few people. The answers to this tweet astonished me; I truly didn’t know there were so many options to choose from. People said things like elasticsearch, splunk, qradar, rapid7, ELK, AlienVault, Security Onion, LogRhythm, Solarwinds, Elastic SIEM, NetWitness, Azure…

Squeezing The Most Out Of Security Conferences
Security conferences, to me, are all but one thing… networking events. This wasn’t always the case. The early years of my security career conference were a way to learn about new technology, what people were doing, issues companies faced, and maybe take a few tips back to the office. I attended all the talks I…

Mergers, Affiliations, and Acquisitions, Oh My!
In the past, when I saw a headline of a new merger, affiliation, or acquisition, I thought of it as exciting news but didn’t put much thought beyond that. Now going through a couple of them, for the people involved, I now know it could be life-changing, for better or worse. I’ve been in three…

Strive To Be Pigeon Holed
A top performer like Tom Brady, who has been to 10 Super Bowls in his 19-year career as quarterback playing football, suddenly wants to play offensive linemen or maybe running back, would you let him? Just remember, he feels pigeonholed as a quarterback and wants a change! I feel like the above analogy is interesting,…

Working Remotely The New MMO?
With Covid being sprung on us, I believe technology had been ready for many years to work remotely, but the people were not. Managers, Team Leads and Executives were left with a “now what” feeling as they sent employees home. One of the best examples I have of that before the pandemic was with a…